Talk About Asthma

Asthma is a complicated condition, which is why many people find it difficult to talk about. But it’s important to let the people in your life know how much asthma can affect you because the more they know, the more they can help.

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Who Should You Talk To?

Talk to the people who spend a lot of time with you and who play a significant role in your day-to-day life––people whose actions can have a tangible effect on your asthma. This is your support network.

Icon: Talk to Your Doctor About Asthma


Icon: Talk to Family About Asthma


Icon: Talk to Friends About Asthma


Icon: Talk to Teachers About Asthma


Icon: Talk to Coworkers About Asthma

Manager & Coworkers

Icon: Talk to Roommates About Asthma


What Should You Talk About?

Image: Friends Drinking Coffee

Explain the Disease and How You Manage It

Asthma can be tricky to explain because everyone experiences it differently. Your doctor or asthma specialist can provide you with guidance and information that can help explain the disease to your support network. That way they can have a better understanding of the realities of living with a lifelong condition like asthma.

What is Asthma?

Image: Doctor Showing Patient How to Use Inhaler

Make Sure They Know What to Do in an Emergency

The people close to you should know that asthma can be life-threatening, and if the situation should arise, how to get you the immediate care that you’ll need. They should also know where your rescue medication is and how to use it. It’s also a good idea to share your Asthma Action Plan with everyone in your support system so they know exactly what to do if you have an asthma attack.

Warning Signs

Image: Asthma Patient with Allergies

Let People Know What Triggers Your Asthma

Everyone has different triggers for their asthma. Pets, pollen, mold and secondhand smoke are some of the more common triggers, and unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for them to be present in and around many homes. Inform friends and family about your triggers and how they can affect you.

What Triggers Asthma?

How to Start a Conversation About Your Asthma

Starting a conversation about how other people’s actions can impact your life can feel daunting. But, we’re here to guide you along your asthma journey. Follow the tips below on how to get the conversation started:

  • 01
  • Prepare yourself by getting the facts about asthma.
  • 02
  • Identify the people in your life who need to know.
  • 03
  • Start by explaining the condition and symptoms.
  • 04
  • Have an open discussion about your specific asthma triggers and how they can help reduce your exposure to them.
  • 05
  • Share your Asthma Action Plan so they know what to do in an emergency.
  • 06
  • Let them ask questions and try to be open about the impact of your asthma.

Don’t Let Asthma Prevent You From Living Well

Check out the Live Well With Asthma section of our site to get tips and tricks for managing your asthma symptoms at home, work, or school. Wherever you are, if you’re prepared, you can still live well with asthma.

Live Well With Asthma

Image: Asthma Patient Staying Active